Dr. Helmut Love is a creative change agent that has been inspiring and innovating business transformation his entire career.
An Eagle Scout and a Texas A&M Biomedical Engineer, he innovated the world’s first Radiology Cardiology PACS at General Electric which generated mega-millions. Completing his Marketing MBA at Kellogg Northwestern, he built McKesson’s first web-based primary-care patient health record.
Helmut led quarter and half billion portfolios at companies like Microsoft Nuance and IBM Watson where he became skilled at growth and turn-around. His teams deployed a single healthcare database across Israel. He evaluated AI and Blockchain investments and innovated a 2nd generation mental health assessment for primary care at a tech startup.
In the pandemic, Helmut created The Gayly Dose, a show dedicated to elevating the gay community, Voted Atlanta Magazine #1 Podcast 2023, and The Gayly Impact, a nonprofit dedicated to the personal and financial development of LGBTQ people, for the benefit of all humans.
A One Love Christian father to three nearly-grown daughters, Helmut passionately consults executive teams, leaders and business owners in whole-person, whole-team excellence, to unlock millions from their businesses. He is here to break boxes and build humans!
Who is Dr Helmut Love?
5 reasons to work with ME
1) Highly qualified to support you in your Wealth & Excellence journey from my range of knowledge (see Experience below)
2) Uniquely faced great challenges like YOU may be facing today (see Challenges below)
3) Incredibly insightful perspective! My two-spirited nature combines feminine & masculine thinking. This is further enhanced by fatherhood and my experience raising children and community. My coaching has remarkable impact.
4) I care incredibly about you. My mission is to bring everyone I can, and especialy those with great potential into a greater purpose. Life by life this is how we transform the world
5) I’m successful at getting people results. Don’t take my word for it. Check out the Testimonials on the home page!
Experience Background
My Story
I grew up a sweet boy in Texas that believed in God, but was taught at a young age that Jesus didn’t approve of gay. I committed myself to do my best to “shape my truth”, so as not to be separated from the love of family and faith.
An Eagle Scout and biomedical engineer, I had a fantastic career start with GE for 10 years, living and working abroad. Having “managed” my attractions to men, I married a woman, and together we had 3 darling daughters. After an MBA at Kellogg Northwestern, I moved to Atlanta with a job and came out of the cloest - my world, marriage and family shattered apart.
My young education in financial literacy is ultimately what enabled me to survive my divorce and two periods of unemployment that would later follow. This is why I champion financial empowerment
Managing large international teams, I directed portfolios at Nuance ($150M) & IBM Watson ($270M) to create award-winning applications, deploy an Israeli national health record, and evaluate AI & blockchain investments. With experiences in start-up, private equity, & running my private consulting firm - I now enjoy raising up entreprenuers & consulting executives & professionals.
Coming out later-in-life, introduced me to a reality “pushed outside the center of the human tribe.” I struggled with a tremendous amount of internal turmoil. A voracious self-improver, I mentored many men and created a weekly gay-discussion group in my home. I ultimately engaged in a serious of life-changing programs and introduced my own two-spiritied insight to create a portfolio of programs for improving the lives of others who seek wealth, excellence, and business growth.
During COVID, I founded The Gayly Dose, a gay community podcast, with a mission to elevate the rainbow community - voted Atlanta’s #1 Podcast 2023. In the fall of 2023, I founded The Gayly Impact - a nonprofit “Haus of Love” - to address wealth redistribution thru financial literacy & workforce development, create a family values forum, and create mechansisms for senior funding. Meaningful society contribution is an essential aspect of a wealthy and excellent life.
What I believe
I believe in One Love. We are One Humanity sharing One Earth. Some call our source God, Creator Energy, Universe, Big Bang, or Nothing. I call God the One Love. I am a One Love Christian. I come to understand the One Love - thru a Christian belief. Others come by other traditions. I believe one does not have to forsake their faith to agree to a One Love world view.
It is my sincere belief that the One Love - as a divine parent whose nature we each mirror- is not the author of confusion, but has spoken to each major faith tribe so that when we come together, we will come to a full understanding of the One Love. I believe that One Love made a covenant to never destory the inhabitants of Earth for their wickedess again - and sealed that promised with a rainbow. And I believe in that promise.
The rainbow flag was created originally for the LOVE of all humans - all sexes, races, faiths, orientations, and identities. Love starts with the love of women. When you free women as equal in a society, it accelleartes the speed of love to all humans. We are globally fueding over that flag and the love of our women today. This is the fight for One Love.
We live in a unique time where science, the information age, & artificial intelligence have brought great possiblity to humanity ONLY if we usher in a great spiritual awakening.
When we as individuals break out of the limiting beliefs that we learn from our parents and our society - lies like “we are not enough”, “we can’t” and “we do not have enough to share” - it is then that we awaken to our true excellent and strongest nature - Love.
Humans have collectively been writing the future story of Earth thru independent religious belief tribes. And so, if we, in this time awaken to a collective belief in One Love, and One Vision that humans CAN absolutely create an increasingly possible state of abundance and peace on earth- then we will create it (as has already been written).
Our ability as humans to project our Visions into reality is the incredible Life Magic we each wield and espeically together. I am called to urge you to Wake Up To YOUR Life Magic - to awaken you to the importance of your excellence and wealth and your belief in our collective future. This calling fuels my foucs on the business consulting & transformation work I do.

Personal Challenges - Break Boxes. Shame is the Enemy.